Welcome To My Page
Just Being Creative
I have been taking a break from building CUSTOM Bows. I have been enjoying just building what ever comes to me. I have been experimenting with some new Materials and styles of bows.
Listing Site Updates - Check out the FUS pages.
I have been working with Shorter (Hunting Bows), Longer (Traditional Bows), New styles and Old styles. I have been working on bows to shoot from Horseback. I had a lot of request and no time to come up with one.
I have been building for Family, I have been unable to, while building CUSTOMS.

Taking time to see the view!
I do hope you will Look over my pages of Custom Bows and be inspired to try new things. I am still taking a break, but if I can help you with your bow building or buying get in touch by email.
Behind the Scenes
I am having a blast just trying out old and new projects. I have even made a few custom arrows out of Red Osier and Turkey feathers (someone ran over 4 turkeys on the road in front of us and I had time to collect my own feathers). I had just gotten to busy to enjoy the small things. BUT IT IS COMING BACK and I AM ENJOYING myself and ARCHERY.